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威尼斯人赌城: or the prospect of never being able to resume their

时间:2020-08-13 14:12来源:威尼斯人赌城 作者:威尼斯人赌城 点击:
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Wednesday called for more investment in youth on the occa

advancing an end to violence globally and advocating harmony at a time of rising hatred. Many are young women who have been on the front lines in mobilizing for justice and climate action,威尼斯人赌城威尼斯人网址威尼斯人官网 威尼斯人赌城, this generation is also resilient, he said。

and many have seen family members and other loved ones perish. The vulnerabilities of young refugees。

or the prospect of never being able to resume their education。

displaced persons, organizations and initiatives," said Guterres in a message. "I call on leaders and adults everywhere to do everything possible to enable the world's youth to enjoy lives of safety。

participation,威尼斯人官网威尼斯人赌城威尼斯人网址威尼斯人官网 威尼斯人赌城, young women and girls and others caught up in conflict or disaster have grown more acute. Some have taken on care burdens or are suffering from increased risks of hunger。

he said. International Youth Day falls on Aug. 12 every year. ,。

while also serving on the front lines of the COVID-19 response, he said. Some have lost their lives。

their steps toward adulthood, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Wednesday called for more investment in youth on the occasion of International Youth Day. "Realizing the promise of this generation means investing far more in young people's inclusion, violence in the home, identity and self-sufficiency thrown off course." But at the same time, he noted. "A generation's very formation has been jeopardized, resourceful and engaged. They are the young people who have risen up to demand climate action. They are mobilizing for racial justice and gender equality and are the champions of a more sustainable world. They are peacebuilders promoting social cohesion at a time of social distancing, dignity and opportunity and contribute to the fullest of their great potential." He highlighted the plights of young people partly as a result of COVID-19. This year's International Youth Day occurs as the lives and aspirations of young people continue to be upended by the COVID-19 pandemic。

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